Prophetic*Revelation Singapore

Season 5


Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - The Transfiguration...  shows what "the Kingdom of God come with power" really is.

Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - Of Faith and Offense...  If thou canst believe...and to forgive seventy and sevenfold

Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - Never man spake like this Man...  an unlearned Man's doctrine causes division. (An educated religious man's doctrine will most likely cause death.)

Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - I AM the Light of the World...  and the same One who spoke from The Beginning.

Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - I AM the Good Shepherd...  I lay down My Life for the sheep.

Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - The Strong Man...  He tears down every stronghold of the enemy.

Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - Whom We Should Fear...  is He Who could destroy both body and soul in hell

Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - I and my Father are one...  If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do,...believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - Parable, Parable, Parable...  regarding the hypocrisy, pride and carnality among religious people; the faithfulness of God's people, and the Love of God.

Friday Jun 07, 2024

Jesus - Simple Lessons... of forgiveness, duty, thankfulness, understanding God's Kingdom, faith, fear, humility, simplicity, sacredness, fairness...

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